Interested in becoming a member?
AMA at Pepperdine and The Waves Effect strive to give students the resources and opportunities to grow professionally, academically, and personally.
Join Pepperdine’s AMA Chapter as a club member: Attend monthly club meetings and work with us to gain important experience and knowledge in your field. General member forms will be presented in meetings and join via the CampusGroups app to become a member.
Join Pepperdine’s AMA Chapter as a leader: Our AMA leadership positions offer a variety of opportunities and responsibilities on top of that of a club member. Please fill out the form below if you are interested.
Join The Waves Effect Agency: Our Waves Effect team has the privilege of working with our AMA chapter as well as other clients in the area. Please fill out the form below if you are interested.
Pepperdine’s AMA Chapter and The Waves Effect Agency are composed of several different servant leaders. Pepperdine students of all majors and interests are encouraged to apply to become a member of the executive board or marketing committee. All positions are filled based on an interview process that takes place in the late spring for the following academic year. Interviews for the 2023-2024 academic year will take place in late March 2023.
The two co-presidents oversee both the AMA chapter and agency (The Wave’s Effect) and lead the overall club. Our co-presidents oversee communication with the AMA and all agency clients.
Waves Effect Agency AMA Club Officers
Our 5 AMA officers work alongside our AMA president to work on all things AMA, from competitions to on-campus meetings and events. Positions include marketing chair, publicity chair, secretary, treasurer, and competition director.
Club Committee Members
Our club committee members iare composed of Pepperdine students who are eager to learn more and grow with Pepperdine’s AMA chapter. Committee members are students who are seeking greater involvement than being a general member. Committee members assist both the agency and AMA club officers with various tasks and events. Marketing Committee membership is considered holistically and has no specific quota.
Contact or follow us on Instagram @thewaveseffect for more information on either our AMA chapter or our Waves Effect Agency.