Client: Pepperdine Debate Team
TWE was tasked to help implement public relation strategies and tactics with the overall objective of promoting the iDebate Rwanda debate & campus visit Nov. 15-19, 2014. We also created promotional materials to make the Pepperdine Debate Team more well-known on campus.
We also made suggestions to improve the communication plan elements as necessary. We reserved the venue, compiled a departmental list of departments to contact to promote the event, developed a full-fledged social media campaign, created digital signage to go along, and sent a press release to The Graphic (school newspaper). We hung flyers with the design from PR255 students and members of TWE were at the event to help with set up, refreshments, art, chairs, and cleaning. In collaboration with PR 255, the rock was painted as a reminder of the debate.
The debate was well attended, with at least 3/4 of the venue full. The event was well received by both students and faculty. The Pepperdine Debate Facebook page now has 390 likes and the Twitter account has 148 followers.